Welcome to Valerian Night, where the story comes to you in snippets and snatches, snapshots and slivers of 300 words every week. Your input is valued and needed, for what you say may drive the story into a totally different direction. Follow the meandering coils of story that take Alyxa Fairchild onto a direct collision course with Nightmares, Dreams, Old Deities and New Heroes as her world collides with that of Réveille, the land of Waking Dreams and Dead Gods. Trail after Morpheus as he discovers the foibles and confusions of the human world and finds himself strangely enamoured thereof all the while trying to keep his Dreamer safe and ensure the continued peace of the Real World. Let the young Jazzy open your eyes and show you that the world you see is not necessarily the world you know...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

3.3. Father and Sons

A cavern, screamingly open and vast. Dreaming, Alyxa, sees a simply altar, pulled from the rocky floor itself. Upon it, a young boy with the face of such love-crafted beauty that it breaks her heart when she sees the shackles chaining him to the unforgiving surface. A young woman stands beside him, weeping at the sight. In her hands a bowl full of violent green. She holds it over his face, catching the droplets tumbling from the ceiling. The bowl is full, hastily she drains it over the side, but a drop manages to touch skin. The boy screams in agony. Alyxa starts forwards, but she cannot help him. Fates are at work here, Fates that she cannot control. The boy turns his head, unseeing, towards her. The poison has streaked his face in red gashes, scoring the youthful beauty. She has seen this before, but she cannot remember where or when; she knows this story.

“Does this disturb you, little Dreamer,” a voice whispers in her ear, “seeing him like this?”
In the Dream, Alyxa turns. An man stands before her, old and yet not, with one eye covered by a patch.

“Lord Odin,” she murmurs and his head nods an assent, “I...don’t know. I don’t know what I’m looking at.”

“This is my son,” he tells her, “locked thus for his crimes against the world.”

Alyxa looks back at the boy.

“I thought Baldur would be older looking.”

Odin chuckles, coming forwards.

“I have many sons. Most of them trouble-makers, to my shame. This is not Baldur.”

“Then wh- ,” Alyxa stops herself short and looks again, straining her mind for a half-remembered story.

Odin waits patiently for her to put the pieces together. She stares at the boy, names and stories manifesting themselves in her mind.


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